6 in Navan, Co. Meath



Document Title: Child Safeguarding Statement
Date the document is effective from: 12/07/2022
Scheduled Review Date: 12/07/2024


Type of Service:

The Football Association of Ireland is committed to ensuring that children can participate in all football activities in a safe environment.  Football provides an excellent opportunity to learn new skills, become more confident and maximise potential as members of teams and as individuals. Participation in football should be fun, enjoyable and provide a platform to learn and develop life skills, make new friends and enhance personal growth. The safety and welfare of all children are paramount. (FAI, 2014).

Key Personnel:

Person in Charge : Peter Glynn
Designated Liaison Officer : Peter Glynn
Public Relations Officer : Jonathan Purvis
Officers of the League  Kieran McMahon, Gerry Brown, Eddie Higgins and Paul Lynch


Principles of Policy:

The principles below are taken from the FAI Child Welfare policy.  Thepolicy’s core principals are the child’s needsd, integrity and respect, environment, equality, fair play, welfare and safety in children’s football. These underlying principles underpin the Policy and outline our principles of good practice and child protection policy and procedures. Please refer to FAI Child Welfare Policy on https://www.fai.ie/domestic/safeguarding/fai-child-welfare-policy


Risk Assessment:

Risk Identified Procedures in Place to manage Risk
Volunteer recruitment Garda vetting procedure/ Relevant References
Training ofvolunteers All membersparticipatet in Child Protection Training. Child Protection Policy
Lost Child Lost child procedures. Safe collection of contact numbers.  Supervision Procedure
Child not Collected Child Collection Policy. Parental Agreement Child Registration Forms.  No person left alone with child as contained in policy.
Safe implementation of Policies Election of DLP. Displaying key personnel details and contacts. Election of committee members to ensure all voices are heard in relation to any child protection issues.
Conduct and Manner towards children Volunteer induction, (see guidelines for interactions between children and adults) as contained in FAI Child Welfare Policy.

Complaints Policy, Child Designated Liaison Officer.

Internet and Photographic and Recording


Election of PRO.  Secure collection of Data. Record Keeping/Data Protection Policy. Parental Consent Forms. Guidance to all members in relation to internet, photography and recording.
Transport of Children to and from Games



Transport and Supervision for Overnight and Away Trips

Transport of Children Policy. No persons to be alone with child other than their own (as contained in policy)

Policy for Overnight and Away Trips. Parental Permission, Medical Consent Forms https://www.fai.ie/domestic/safeguarding/fai-child-welfare-policy

Changing Facilities/Toilets Changing facilities/Toilet policy
Accidents and Incidents Any accidents or incidents will be reported to the DLP by completion of appropriate reports (see appendix 3 and/or 4 FAI Child Welfare Policy, 2014) Medical Consent Form




Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with requirements under the Children First Act 2015, the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice.

Additionally, the FAI is committed to the principal and practice guidelines contained in the policy as follows (FAI Child Welfare Policy, 2014).

  • Recognising that the safety, protection and welfare of children and young people is of paramount importance;
  • Obliging all relevant persons engaging directly or indirectly with children and young people to be Garda vetted;
  • Providing appropriate training and education in the area of child welfare;
  • Providing guidance and assistance to all who work directly or indirectly with children and young people;
  • Appointing Designated Child Welfare Officers in the FAI;
  • Providing appropriate rules for the protection of children within the FAI Rule Book;
  • Appointing a Child Welfare Committee responsible for overseeing the FAI’s policy on child protection and its implementation;
  • Providing a clear pathway for the investigation of complaints and appropriate disciplinary procedures;
  • Providing codes of practice and templates for all members

All procedures listed are available on request.






NECSL recognise that implementation is an ongoing process.  NECSL are committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support our intention to keep children safe, while enjoying taking part in training and games.  The Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed every 24 months or as soon as practicable after there has been any change in any matter to which the statement refers.


Signed Peter Glynn   Date 12 July 2022

Relevant Person under the Children First Act 2015

Name Peter Glynn   Date 12 July 2022