Coaching League Fixtures 2nd-3rd July 2021
Critical points to Rember now with COVID 19
Parents must remain socially distant and stay behind the Blues Lines or Rope, so they are well away from the Cages
All players to clean hands and observe proper sneezing protocol
Players must not share water bottles
Facilitators are now all paid 6 Euro for all age groups per side for all games
Games will finish precisely 45 minutes after KO even if they start late, i.e. a game beginning at 9.00 ends at 9.45 even if late starting.
Please exit Promptly as we need the space for the next parents to arrive.
Players and Parents must arrive 5 minutes before KO any earlier, and they will be asked to leave the ground!
Please follow all parts of the FAI COVID Guidelines
Traditional Rules
- Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS)
- Shin Guards must be worn
- No Glasses only Sports goggles to be worn by players
- A maximum of three subs in the cages.
- All kit bags and equipment to be left outside the cages
- Ensure gates are closed during matches
- No Photography or Videoing of the games is allowed
- NO Smoking in or around the games.
- No Vaping or E-Cigarettes
- Under 10s please ensure you pay the fees due to the MDL on the day of the Game
- Failure to field will result in fines
- Late cancellations will also result in fines
- Only Garda Vetted Coaches allowed in the cages
- No Spectators allowed on Fifa One Astro, they must stay on the Concrete surrounds
- Also please ask everyone to reverse park on the grounds
- The score of Games are not recorded and must not be displayed on the web in any way
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Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.