7 in Navan, Co. Meath

This page will become an FAQ on everything you need to know about being a facilitator keep scrolling!

  • Coaching League Issues
  • Apply to Be A Facilitator
  • Rule for the facilitator

Coaching League Issues

Apply to be a Facilitator


Playing Formats – FAI Player Development Plan

Please find on link bellow Playing formats for all age groups

Rules of Facilitating

Every Saturday we will send out invites to the week facilitating if you can not do a particular day please Decline that days events.  If you are under 18  then add one of your parents in too your profile as your parent, failure to do that and I will not use you as a facilitator this is a legal requirement.

All message will be on our Spond group, if you continually do not answer events you will be removed from the system.

Fixtures will generally be issued every Wednesday

Three are a few rules I expect you to abide by

  • Friday night Facilitators Place the retreat line, with the cones in our office and Saturday Facilitators pick them up and return the cones to our office
  • Make sure by Monday days off are logged, and if “I need to finish at X” is a thing on Saturday, let me know.
  • On Match Day, Make sure you have your hi vs and WEAR IT and bring your whistle.
  • Match days 0900 and game finishes at 0945. There is a fog horn that will sound, and when you hear, games must start on time and end on time.
  • No Spectators allowed on Fifa One Astro, they must stay on the Concrete surrounds. who ever is facilitatign these games must watch this too
  • Please do not Wear any Club Gear; most of us are also with a club, so do not wear club branded gear pitch side.
  • Get a Watch. A cheap digital watch is only 15-20 Euro and can be got on amazon.  Please use it for timings and not your phone.https://www.amazon.co.uk/Mens-Sports-Digital-Watches-Waterproof/dp/B0775GT97X/ref=sr_1_28?crid=1JSOODR9Y5X8X&keywords=cheap+digital+watch&qid=1688800715&sprefix=cheap+digital+watch%2Caps%2C64&sr=8-28
  • Also, speaking of phones, put them away 5 minutes before the start of the Game. Engage with the teams and managers. Don’t just stand there; head in your phone.
  • Don’t have your phone out during the Game either
  • Play to the PDP. You are not allowed to change these rules. Link to the PDP on this page above this section
  • Be Fair, Be Calm Be Polite
  • If any coach gives you grief, let me know or report them to the office.
  • IF a team does not pay you, fill it in on the issue form on the Facilitator page.  I will pay you the following week. If you do not fill it, I don’t pay.
  • If a team does not field, let me know by filling in the issue tracker on the link above also, I will pay you the following week.
  • If you are sick, that is fine there is nothing you can do about it but let me know by text or Spond
  • However, telling me on Friday, I can’t make it tomorrow cause forgot a family thing or whatever would mean you will not get fixtures the following week.
  • If the above happens regularly, you will not be asked to Facilitate again.

Everybody in the  Footballing community at our level volunteers, The league, your club, the coaches.  The only person that gets paid is the ref and the Facilitator as such, we expect you to take your job seriously.

Also, the rules of the NECSL below must be enforced.  Please pick up your mini copy of the PDP in the office next week so you have it at all time.

  • Only Astro Runners, moulded blades, moulded studs to be worn (NO Steel Studs)
  • Shin Guards must be worn
  • No Glasses, only Sports goggles to be worn by players
  • All kit bags and equipment to be left outside the cages
  • Ensure gates are closed during matches
  • No Photography or Videoing of the games is allowed
  • NO Smoking in or around the games.
  • No Vaping or E-Cigarettes
  • Failure to  field will result in fines
  • Late cancellations will also result in fines
  • Only Garda Vetted Coaches allowed in the cages
  • No Spectators allowed on Fifa One Astro, and they must stay on the Concrete surrounds
  • The score of Games are not recorded and must not be displayed on the web in any way

On your first day can you pick up a Hi-Vis You must bring your own whistle.  As most of us are associated with a club, do not wear your club gear when facilitating.    It’s essential you read the rules, and if you’re the first to a pitch, you mark the retreat lines with cones that are in the NECSL Office.

All the rules are on the NECSL website, so please read them and make sure you know them for each age group.   The games must be run according to these as a rule are slightly different for each age group.   Also, the Facilitator, you charge each team €6 And of course, don’t stand in the corner or the centre circle. Keep up with the Game!

If a manager oversteps the line with you in any way, feel free to stop the Game and report directly to the NECSL official who will be in the office.

It is also important to note we are on a tight time, so everything starts and stops on time.  Any issues, let me know what happened, Promptly, this includes teams not showing up, no payment of fees, and reporting incidents to me, and I need to know exactly what happened and with whom.   So you must fill in the facilitator issues on the facilitator page.

Clubs are fined for not paying you, so if someone leaves you short, I need to know by filling in the issue form on Friday or Saturday evening, and we will fine the club and have money in the office for you the following week.