Please find below the Credit Union Plus coaching league fixtures 22nd-23rd September 2023 Please hold your phone sideways for the best view Reverse park on-site, please Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots are to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS) Shin Guards must be worn No Glasses, only Sports goggles to be worn...
Please find below the Credit Union Plus coaching league fixtures 14-15th July 2023 We are on Summer break after these fixtures for four weeks, so I hope you all enjoy the break. Please hold your phone sideways for the best view Reverse park on-site, please Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots are...
Please find below coaching League Fixtures 30th June – 1st July 2023 Every week we include the rules that say no Photography; whilst a team shot is acceptable by the coach, no videos or Photos can be taken. This week in the MDL, we had three parents doing just this. Also, people on...
Please find below the Credit Union Plus coaching league fixtures 23rd-24th June 2023 Please hold your phone sideways for the best view Reverse park on-site, please Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots are to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS) Shin Guards must be worn No Glasses, only Sports goggles to be worn...
I am attaching Credit Union Plus Coaching League Fixtures 12-13th may 2023. If viewing these fixtures on the web best to hold your phone in Landscape Just to let you know, you must Reverse Park on Site in MDL Grounds. Can the clubs please spread the message to their coaches and parents? This week folk...
I am attaching Credit Union Plus Coaching League Fixtures 14-15th April 2023 If viewing these fixtures on the web best to hold your phone in Landscape Please note you must Reverse Park on Site Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS) Shin Guards must be worn No...
Please find below Credit Union Plus Coaching League Fixtures 31st March - 1st April 2023 This week on several occasions, parents had to be asked to get off the Fifa One Astro. ONLY Coaches should be on this, and they too, should be wearing the correct footwear. One parent refused to get off. If this...
Welcome back, everyone I Hope you all enjoyed the break. Please find bellow fixtures for the 3rd and 4th of March 2023 Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS) Shin Guards must be worn No Glasses only Sports goggles to be worn by players A maximum of...
These are the last fixtures of 2022. We hope everyone enjoyed the season. As we have made it to Halloween this year. Everyone is invited to wear Fancy dresses over Friday and Saturday; players still need to wear their shin guards! There will also be penalty shootouts at the end of every game just for...
Please find attached the Credit Union Plus Coaching Leagues 21s-22nd October 2022 Only Moulded blades, Moulded studs or Astor Boots to be worn (NO STEEL STUDS) Shin Guards must be worn No Glasses, only Sports goggles to be worn by players A maximum of three subs in the cages. All kit bags and...