3 in Navan, Co. Meath
  • Jonathan
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2014 Sports Capital Programme now open for applications

Hi Everyone,


For your information applications for the 2014 Sports Capital Programme are now open as of today.


I have outlined below some information that will help you should you need assistance in relation to the programme.



Sports Capital Programme Information




For the first time, applications including supporting documentation will only be accepted online.  Applications by post or email will not be accepted and will be returned.

Prior to making an application, there is a need for clubs to register with the Department of Sport’s Online Sports Capital Register (OSCAR) in advance of 5pm  on Friday 7th February 2014.   

Failure to register your club in advance of this date will prevent your club from applying in this round of the programme.

For more information in relation to registering your club with the Department visit;



Maximum Grants Available

The maximum  grant available for local clubs in this round of the programme is €200,000, however, Regional Facilities such as Regional Development Centres and Airtricity League Grounds can apply for a maximum grant of €500,000.


Clubs without a Lease or ownership of land

If you do not own your land or have a lease of at least 15 years you may only apply for a maximum of €25,000 towards capital works and/or for sports equipment. However, if in 2012 you received a capital grant towards this site, the maximum combined value of grants  between the two programmes is €25,000.


Summary of Documents Required

Below is a summary checklist of what supporting documents clubs will need to supply in order to make an application.  Failure to supply any of these documents will deem an application invalid.


Document Compulsory?
Confirmation of RAPID or CLÁR Area status Compulsory for all applications from designated RAPID and CLÁR areas
Quotation/estimate of the cost of your project Compulsory for all applications
Proof of own funding Compulsory for all applications
Evidence of Planning Permission/ Planning Application or

Evidence that planning permission is not required

Compulsory for all capital (non-equipment) applications
Licence Agreements between groups as Evidence of sharing of facilities Compulsory for all school, Education and Training Boards and 3rd level college applications and for clubs/groups who wish to apply together
Evidence of Ownership of site Compulsory for all applications for capital works where the organisations have chargeable title to their land
Evidence of Access to Site Compulsory for all applications for capital works where the organisation does not have title to their land. You can only apply for a maximum of €25,000 for capital works.
No other supporting documents will be considered by the Department, therefore it is not a requirement to seek a letter of support from the FAI for your application, however, in order to allow us to be in a position to support your project directly with the Department you are asked to inform the Association of your intention to make an application by emailing the details to richard.fahey@fai.ie



Closing Date

The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday, 28 February 2014. The online system will be shut down at this time exactly and no late or partial applications will be accepted. If you have not clicked the “save and submit” button on the final page of the application form by this deadline your application will not be considered. When you have submitted your application you are strongly advised to save and/or print a copy of the Grant Application Submitted page. You may need this later as evidence of making your application.

Applications by post or by email will not be accepted and will be returned.

For more detailed information about the Programme and making an application you are strongly advised to download the form below;




For further information please contact richard.fahey@fai.ie or fergal.dignam@fai.ie



Richard Fahey

Director of Club Licensing and Facility Development

The Football Association of Ireland

National Sports Campus


Dublin 15


T: +353 1 899 9581

F: +353 1 899 9320

M:+353 87 235 2198

E: richard.fahey@fai.ie

Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.

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