12 in Navan, Co. Meath
  • Jonathan
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Coaching Leagues Announcment

There are no coaching league games on weekend 25th/26th October in both MDL and St. Pat’s School.

 We will recommence weekend 1st/2nd November 2013. We will notify when 1 month Christmas break will apply in due course.

 Please take heed of the following items:

 a) Along with players playing only the 2 team coaches are allowed on the pitch. The substitutes should remain outside of the pitch.

 b) Generally each coach should referee a half each unless they can designate another person to take charge.

 c) Re U10’s: The rules are a guide to assist coaches to educate and instill some discipline in the development of the players to prepare them for competitive games.

 The only time a goalkeeper can kick the ball out is from a back pass. Otherwise they throw or roll the ball out to a player. If a goalkeeper kicks the ball out from hands by drop kicking or otherwise referee should award an indirect free kick. 

Goalkeeper allowed handle the ball in the large box.

If goalkeeper handles outside large box then free kick is awarded.

Goalkeeper cannot handle the ball from a pass back. If so then indirect free kick to be awarded.

Penalty awarded for defending player touching the ball in small box.

Defending player can encroach in small box provided he does not deliberately touch the ball.

No goal allowed to be scored inside small box.

Tip off to be taken after a goal has been scored.

Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.