10 in Navan, Co. Meath
  • Jonathan
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Meath LSP May Update

Please see below for Meath LSP’s latest email update:






Safeguarding 2 Club Children’s Officer Workshop – NEW DATE ADDED


Safeguarding 2 Club Children’s Officer (CCO) Training is taking place on Thursday 1st June, 6.30pm-9.30pm in Windtown Unity Centre, Navan. Every club involved with children and young people should appoint a Club Children’s Officer. They act as the link between the children and the adults in the club and also take responsibility for monitoring and reporting to the Club Management Committee. It is essential that those who wish to attend this training have completed the Safeguarding 1 Basic Awareness in Child Protection Workshop. Cost is €20 per person for clubs in Meath, €30 per person for clubs outside Meath. Please note this will be the last workshop until after the Summer.


For more information, please see http://www.meathsports.ie/event/safeguarding-2-club-childrens-officer-workshop-3/. Please call Meath LSP office on 046-9067337 to book as places are limited!




School Sports Day Training


Meath Local Sports Partnership organises school sports day training workshops for primary schools in the county. The sports day training involves a practical session and is designed to equip the participant with the knowledge and skills required to plan a safe and fun sports day.  The workshop will introduce participants to various activities that can be incorporated into their school day.


Training is open to  teachers, staff and parents from primary schools in Meath. Participants will also receive the School Sports Day Guidebook and other resource materials at training. The guidebook contains details on setting up a sports day and information on the various activities suitable for the day.


Training is taking place on Monday 29th May at 3.30pm-6.30pm in St. Paul’s NS, Abbeylands, Navan. The cost is €10 per person.


To book a place, please see http://www.meathsports.ie/event/school-sports-day-training-2/ to download a booking form. Any further queries please contact Lynn on 046-9067337.




Meath Running Group – Block 2 (Speed & Middle Distance Training)


Looking to train with a group of likeminded joggers & runners this summer?


Why not join Meath Running Group’s track sessions in Claremont Stadium Navan. This 11 week training programme is ideal for those wishing to take part in 5 miles, 10k’s and 10 mile events this summer but also the perfect preparation for the half or full marathon’s later in the year.


Each session is coach led and tailored to suit all abilities. Meath Running Group is not an elite club but rather a gathering for those interested in jogging and a pathway for those wishing to join an athletic club in the future. Meath Running Group members are encouraged to take part and support local events throughout the year.


Speed & Middle Distance Training (11 WEEKS) starts May 24th at 7pm to 8pm.


PLEASE NOTE: Week 1 & 2 – May 24th and May 31st will be held at Bohermeen Athletics Club. Training returns to Claremont Stadium on Week 3 –June 7th.


To register for Block 2 please download form here: NEW Registration Block 2 2017. Alternatively, you can book and pay online at: https://eventmaster.ie/event.php?event_id=1242  *Please note a €3 online processing fee applies.




Late Night Futsal Leagues


Meath LSP in association with Involve, Foroige, the FAI and An Garda Siochana will run a late night Futsal League in Navan. The league is open to anyone aged 13-18 years.


Futsal is an exciting form of indoor football that focuses on improvisation, creativity, and technique as well as ball control and passing in small spaces. Teams require a minimum of 5 and are allowed a maximum of 8.


The late night leagues commence on Friday 26th May at 8pm in Claremont Stadium. To register a team or for more information, please contact Barry on 087-7640463.




Mature Movers


A new programme is starting in St. Patricks GAA, Stamullen on Wednesday 17th May at 2pm. For more information, please see http://www.meathsports.ie/older-adults/mature-movers-activity-programme/ or call Ruairi on 046-9067337.




Charity Bowls Tournament


The final indoor bowls tournament before the Summer for active retirement members is on Thursday 18th May at 10am. To book a place contact Ruairi on 046-9067337 or email rmurphy@meathcoco.ie




Special Athletics and Yoga


This May we will again run our successful Special Athletics and Yoga programme in Dunboyne Athletics Club.  This programme is aimed at children with special needs and their siblings and provides a unique opportunity for them to increase their fitness and well being, improve their concentration and decrease symptoms of anxiety. We have 2 very experienced tutors delivering the programme which involves 30 minutes of Athletics followed by 30 minutes of Yoga.


The programme will commence on Monday 8th May from 4-5pm for 7-12 yr olds and 5-6pm for 13 yrs +. The cost is €75 for 6 weeks. For more information, call Elaine on 046-9067337.




Pitch and Putt 4 All  


Our Pitch and Putt Programme for children with special needs returns this month. It will take place in Stackallen Pitch and Putt Club and commences on Wednesday 17th May from 4-5pm.The programme will run for 6 weeks at a cost of €25. We will have an experienced coach delivering each session and 1:1 assistance from Transition Year students who have trained as Assistant Pitch and Putt Coaches so this programme offers a great opportunity for children to learn the skills of the game in a very supportive environment.


For more information, please call Elaine on 046-9067337.




Inclusive Run4Fun Programme


We are starting a new Run 4 Fun programme for children with disabilities (Autism, Intellectual Disabilities and Dyspraxia) this month. The programme aims to teach children the fundamental movement skills children need to be able to take part in running and physical activity in a fun a social environment. The programme will commence on Tuesday 30th May, 4-5pm in Claremont Stadium, Navan. The 6 week programme will cost €35.


For more information, please call Elaine on 046-9067337.




Give Tag Rugby a “Try”


Our popular Tag Rugby training sessions will recommence on Thursdays from 5-6pm in Navan Rugby Club. The sessions are open to children of all abilities and will be delivered by experienced coaches from Navan Rugby Club and Leinster Rugby. For more information, please call Elaine on 046-9067337.




Fit 4 All Week  8th-14th May


The CARA Adapted Physical Activity Centre are running a national campaign during the 8th – 14th May aimed at increasing awareness of the benefits of exercise for people with disabilities. A number of fitness and leisure centres have signed up to this week in Meath and are offering the following activities for the week:


  • Club Active Navan

Free Gym Trial for people with disabilities and their carers, 8th-12th May 11am-1pm.

Contact David or Elva 046-9011222


  • Kells Swimming Pool

Free Swim during public swimming times for people with disabilities and their carers, 8th-14th May.

Contact Amelia 046-9240551


  • Cross Fit Navan

Free Cross Fit Trial for people with disabilities, all year!

Contact Alan 085-8629658


  • Aura Leisure Centre Trim

Free gym/swim entry for people with disabilities and their carers, 8th-14th May.

Contact Emma 046-9438730




Inclusive Cycling Festival


As part of National Bike Week, Meath LSP will run a Fun Family Inclusive Cycling Festival on the 15th June in Fairyhouse Racecourse between 6pm-8pm.  More details to follow soon.




Wheelchair Sports Summer Camp


Meath LSP and the HSE will run a 3 day wheelchair sports summer camp between 8th-10th August from 10am-3pm each day in Claremont Stadium.  This camp will provide children with the opportunity to try out many wheelchair sports and physical activity while socialising with their peers. Activities will include wheelchair basketball, badminton, rugby, sitting volleyball, karate, athletics and much more. Contact Elaine on 046-9067337to register.

Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.

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