5 in Navan, Co. Meath
  • Jonathan
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Meath LSP Update March 2015

Please see below for Meath LSP’s latest email update:



Sports Injuries Workshop

Thursday 12th March 2015 |6.30pm to 9.30pm |Windtown Unity Centre, Navan | €30 per person

This course covers a comprehensive range of topics to prepare participants to administer First Aid care. Participants will learn practical skills so that they can deal competently with situations that may arise. This course has an emphasis on dealing with minor Sports Injuries. Content includes:  Scene Management, Bleeding and Wounds, Treatment for Shock, Heart Conditions, Fractures, Sprains & Strains, Unconsciousness & the Recovery Position

For further information and to register online see


Meath Running Group
Ever thought of completing a 10km, half marathon or a full marathon, but don’t know where to start, how to train for it or simply keep to a regime on your own? Meath Running Group can help you do just that!


Training sessions are coach led and are tailored to individual abilities and levels from beginner to seasoned professional. We provide a 30 week programme/3 blocks – depending on your target.


  • Block 1- Indoor Core & Conditioning Training (9 weeks)

Start your running season on the right foot by working your core strength, flexibility, posture and balance. This training is ideal for injury prevention and to improve your running form.

– Wednesday 11th March at 7pm in Claremont Stadium, Navan.


How to Register:

You can register for block one or avail of the discount when booking all three blocks.

You can now register online or alternatively you can download the registration form see or on



Royal County 5k 2015

The Royal County 5km is back! Taking place in Kells on Sunday 26th April at 2pm. The event is organised by Meath Local Sports Partnership  with the support of the Headfort Arms Hotel, Club Active Kells, Kells Gardai, St. Brigid`s AC, Kells Swimming Pool, Kells Town Council, Civil Defence and local volunteers.  The nominated beneficiary for the event is Kells Local Heroes.

Registration is open now!  Early bird (available until Thursday 23rd April) over 16 years €15; under 16 years €5 includes technical t shirt (for over 16 yrs), refreshments and chip timing. All ages & abilities welcome. See


An Post Meath Heritage Cycle Tour

It’s back! Registration for the An Post Meath Heritage Cycle Tour 2015 is now open!

The tour takes place over the weekend of the 25th & 26th July, with the 50km,100km & 160km events taking place on Sunday 26th July and the Family Spin on Saturday 25th July. The An Post Meath Heritage Cycle Tour is part of the An Post Cycle series which takes place over the summer. The other four counties involved include – Sligo, Clare, Waterford and Cork.

See http://www.meathsports.ie/cycle-tour.html

Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport

Safeguarding 1 – Basic Awareness Workshop in Child Welfare & Protection

Thursday 19th March 2015 |6.30pm to 9.30pm | Trim GAA Centre |  | €20 per person

This course is a must for anyone working with children!

All Coaches, Club Children’s Officers and Designated Liaison Persons must complete the 3 hour Child Welfare & Protection Basic Awareness Course.  This course educates participants on the implementation of best practice in protecting the welfare of children involved in sport. For further details see


Safeguarding 2 – Children’s Officer Training Course

Thursday 26th March 2015 |6.30pm to 9.30pm |Windtown Unity Centre, Navan | €20 per person

It is recommended that all clubs should appoint a designated Children’s Officer who should then attend this training for the role which is vitally important in keeping adults and children safe and happy within the club environment. Waterford Sports Partnership cannot emphasise enough to clubs the importance of this course in helping the Children’s Officer deal with new legislation and the safe guarding of coaches, children and volunteers within their club. (Participants must have completed the Safeguarding 1 basic 3 hour Child Welfare & Protection Training Course in advance of this training).For further details see

Mature Movers

The Mature Movers Activity Programme for adults 50+ will commence on Wednesday 11th March at 11am in St. Patricks Hall Dunshaughlin. The 8 week activity programmes include activities such as movement for life, resistance exercises with resistance bands, core stability, balance, seated Pilates and fall prevention exercises. Mature Movers is a great social outlet as participants get a chance to relax, have a chat after their workout and enjoy the refreshments. If you would like to participate on the Mature Movers Activity Programme in your area please contact Ruairi Murphy at Meath Local Sports Partnership on 046-9067337.


Disability Programmes

‘Learn 2 Cycle’ Programme

Meath LSP recognises the importance of cycling for the inclusion of children with disabilities in recreational activities. To address this concern Meath LSP has commenced an outdoor ‘Learn to Cycle’ programme. The programme is commencing in St. Pauls N.S. on Thursday 12th March 2015. The aim of the programme is to teach each child to cycle independently. A fully trained coach from the Cycling Safety and Skills School will provide weekly coaching. For further information please contact Aine Coogan, Sports Inclusion Disability Officer at (046) 9067337


Kick Start to Recovery

Following on from the successful pilot programme in 2014, Meath LSP in conjunction with the FAI and the HSE South Meath Community Mental Health Services have re-commenced the Kick Start to Recovery Programme in Ashbourne. The aim of the programme is to provide clients with mental illness, the opportunity to participate in football.  For further information on the programme please contact Aine at (046)9067337


Powerchair Football Players Wanted!

Are you a powerchair user and interested in playing soccer on a regular basis? Meath Powerchair Football is looking for new players. This action-packed team sport combines the skill of the wheelchair user with the speed and power of the chair itself. Powerchair Football is the first competitive team sport designed and developed specifically for power wheelchair users. For further information on the programme please contact Aine at (046)9067337


Football 4 All programme

The aim of the Football 4 All programme is to provide regular weekly training sessions for children with disabilities. This programme is open to all children with a disability aged between 6 to 14 years old. The Football for All programme is breaking down barriers by allowing the club to become more inclusive, guaranteeing that all children regardless of ability will in the future have the same opportunity to play football in their local club.

Two Football 4 All programmes are currently running in Meath:

  • Ratoath Celtic FC every Saturday at 9.30pm in Ratoath College.
  • Athboy Celtic every second Saturday at 4pm in Athboy Convent of Mercy Community Hall.

Registration for both programmes is essential. To register please contact Aine Coogan, Meath LSP on (046)9067337.

Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.

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