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Torro Utd will hold a registration day for their underage and coaching league teams on Sat 29th August from 12:00 to 15:00 in our clubhouse. Age-groups from Under 7 through to Under 16. Anyone with children intending to play for the club this season are encouraged to try to make it during this schedule time as the season starts soon after. You will also get the chance to meet the coach(es) of the childern’s various teams. Registration is €40 per child or €70 for 2 or €100 for 3. Your coaches will be in touch with start dates for training shortly.
Registration for Girls team(s) will take place from 13:00 to 14:00 on Sat 29th August in clubhouse. All those interested should come along so Torro can get an idea of numbers for forth coming season.