Coaching League Fixtures 30th June and 1st July 2017
Please find below the final weeks of Coaching league fixtures till 11-12th of August 2017. We hope you have all enjoyed the games.
- Reminder that only Astro Runners, moulded blades, moulded studs to be worn (NO Steel Studs)
- Shin Guards must be worn
- No Glasses only Sports goggles to be worn by players
- Subs to remain outside fence
- Ensure gates are closed during matches
- No Photography or Videoing of the games is allowed
- NO Smoking in or around the games.
- No Vaping or E Cigarettes
- Under 10s please insure you pay the fees due to the MDL on the day of the Game
- Failure to field will result in fines
- Late cancellations will also result in fines.
- Only coaches allowed in the cages.
- No Spectators allowed on Fifa One Astro , they ,must stay on the Concrete surrounds.
- Score of Games are not recorded and must not be displayed on the web in any way.
Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.