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Please find below this weeks Coaching league Fixtures. All Trim Celtic teams are unavailable this weekend.
We are receiving notifications of cancellations too late in the week. Cancellations are unfair to the opposing teams who are left without a game. Also on some occasions players have arrived for games on Saturday not knowing that their matches have been cancelled.
From Week 13 until season end on last w/e in March 2015 the fixtures will issue Monday nights. Referees will be allocated to the games on Thursdays. From this coming weekend if a club cancels on Thursdays, or Fridays or Saturday mornings or fail to turn up without any notice then a fine of 25.00 euro will apply to each club team involved.
The only acceptable reason for a postponement beyond the specified period would be in the case of a bereavement to the next of kin of a player or official of the club, otherwise the power to call off a game remains with the NECSL.
The NECSL will monitor all cancellations until season end.