3 in Navan, Co. Meath
  • Jonathan
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Week 22 HSE/NECSL Coaching Leagues 27th/28th March 2015 in MDL Grounds

Here are the final games for the Coaching Leagues in the MDL this season.

Enfield U8 teams and Park Celtic Summerhill U10 Friday night unavailable this weekend.

When each team has completed their games the manager can come up to the NECSL Office to receive Certificates and goodies for the players.

If a club do not wish Certificates to be issued on the day please instruct your managers of same.

A file of the certificate can be sent to clubs once requested by email from club secretary.

On behalf of the NECSL we wish to extend our thanks to all clubs, managers, parents, referees, and in particular the players for their participation and co-operation in the Coaching Leagues this season.  We hope the children enjoyed and learned from their football.


Author: Jonathan
I'm the Leagues PRO. You will often meet me Pitchside with my camera getting photos for our site and social networks.

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